About Me

Hi, My name is Savan Nahar. I'm a Computer Science graduate from College Of Engineering, Pune. I'm passionate about Software Development and Data science and frequently participate in hackathons. I've interned at VMware, Arcesium India, and Nanostuffs Technologies PVT.LTD. Currently working as Software Engineer at Arcesium India. I love to find innovative solutions to real world problems. I consider myself a quick and constant learner. I can adapt to new technology within a short amount of time. My technical interests lie in End to End application development with optimization and problem solving in general. I'm a die hard Elon Musk and Robert Downey Jr(Iron Man) Fan, and I cannot stand people using LIGHT IDE THEME :p

Contact Details

Savan Nahar


College of Engineering, Pune

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering August 2017 - July 2020

CGPA 9.01/10
Few Courses - Data Structures, Principles of Programming Languages, Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Data Mining

Government Polytechnic Pune

Diploma in Computer Engineering August 2014 - May 2017

Percentage 94.80
Few courses - Basics of Data Structure, Fundamentals of Programming Languages, Introduction to Database Management Systems, Introduction to Computer Networks, Basics of Operating Systems

Muktangan English School

Primary and Secondary Education August 2014 - May 2017

Percentage 94.80


Arcesium India Pvt. Ltd.

Software Engineering Jul 2020 - Present

  • Working on creating a profit and loss engine having distributed architecture, where the system needs to process millions of incoming trades.

VMware, India

Software Engineering Intern Jan 2020 - June 2020

  • Worked with Hybridity Cloud Extension team on HCX product which eases out lift an shift of datacenter migrations across clouds.
  • Added a feature in existing HCX suite to support HCX-DICE integration - Angular, Spring, Mongodb
  • Worked on POC for Low and no Downtime migration of Virtual Machine with Multi-Writer disk for Clustered application

Arcsium India PVT. LTD

Summer Intern May 2019 - July 2019

  • Worked with Platform Integration team, to build in house tool which will help developers to know the Errors faced by customers at single glance
  • Redesigned the entire backend API in the most efficient way with Spring Boot, supported with frontend in React and end to end testing in Cypress.

Nanostuffs Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Summer Intern April 2017 - August 2017

  • Worked with the backend team on live project, under their guidance build end to end website for AutoFlightLog
  • Wrote APIs for AutoFlightLog project which were used by Mobile Development Team
  • Used PHP with Codeigniter framework and SQL as database

CoEP’s Software Development Section

Club Secretary April 2019 - April 2020

Senior Software Developer September 2018 - April 2019

  • SDS is a team of students who take up projects with the aim of resolving technical needs of the college and other external organization
  • My task as a secretary apart from working on projects was to manage all the operations of club, assign and complete projects, conducts sessions and workshops
  • We were successful in developing and deploying multiple projects, most of them developed in MERN and LAMP stack.

CoEP’s Data Science Artificial Intelligence Club

Machine Learning Developer November 2018 - April 2020

  • Worked on Research papers and taking parts in ML/DL competitions.


Having worked on various projects throughout my collge life and professional career, I am proficient in various technologies.


    Java, Python, JavaScript

    Web Development

    HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, php, MERN, MEAN stack


    JMongoDB, MySQL

    Operating Systems

    Linux , Windows, MacOS


    Selenium, Git


    Nodejs, Reactjs, Angular, Reduxjs, Mobx, RubyOnRails, Spring Boot, Django

You can find all my Projects Here

Do visit my other website if you like linux.

If you want to have a chat or know more, please drop a message.