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Hi, My name is Savan Nahar. I'm a Computer Science graduate from College Of Engineering, Pune. I'm passionate about Software Development and Data science and frequently participate in hackathons. I've interned at VMware, Arcesium India, and Nanostuffs Technologies PVT.LTD. Currently working as Software Engineer at Arcesium India. I love to find innovative solutions to real world problems.

I consider myself a quick and constant learner. I can adapt to new technology within a short amount of time. My technical interests lie in End to End application development with optimization and problem solving in general. I like to eliminate manual task and automate things which we need/do daily. PS - Check my github :)

I'm a die hard Elon Musk and Robert Downey Jr(Iron Man) Fan, and I cannot stand people using LIGHT IDE THEME :p

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       ___________  Newbiew category winner - Arcesium Virtual Hackathon
      '._==_==_=_.'	2nd Runner Up, ThreadBit hackathon 2019 organized by IIT Indore in association with Arcesium
      .-\:      /-.	Runner Up ,MIT-WPU Hackathon 2019
     | (|:.     |) |	Runner Up ,MIT-WPU Codeathon 2019
      '-|:.     |-'	In Top 5 - Philip Data Science Hackahton(Twice 2018/19) (amongst 7000+ participants)
        \::.    /	1st Runner Up ,Mindspark Hackathon 2018
         '::. .'	Runner Up Webber - Website designing competition by PCCOE, Pune 2017
           ) (		Gold Medalist at Government Polytechnic Pune
         _.' '._	Best Student award by Rotart Club,Pune
        `"""""""`   Conducted workshops on MERN Stack, Gatsby with GraphQL and ReduxJs at Software Development Section CoEP.

Email: savannahar68@gmail.com
LinkedIn | github | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter |

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